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27 June 2024

Inquiry into the NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia – Public Hearing in Canberra


The Joint Standing Committee on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (JSC NDIS) will hold a public hearing in Canberra on Friday 28 June 2024, as part of its inquiry into the NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia.

As part of its role to oversight the NDIS and make recommendations to improve the scheme, the JSC NDIS is inquiring into the experience of NDIS participants in rural, regional and remote communities including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants, participants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and participants from low socio-economic backgrounds.

At its public hearing in Canberra, the committee will hear from national and regional organisations about the experiences of the NDIS participants and other people with disability who they serve. During the day's hearing, the committee will hear evidence from disability peak bodies, local health organisations, remote community organisations, disability service providers and people with lived experience of disability.

The Chair of the JSC NDIS, MS Libby Coker MP, said:

Through this inquiry, the committee is reaching out to NDIS participants and the people and organisations that support them to build our understanding of the challenges they face. We value the knowledge of people who are working every day to help people with disability to have choice and control over their lives and the NDIS supports. The committee wants to hear about what is working, as well as how NDIS supports can be improved in regional, rural and remote areas where there are specific challenges. The hearings will guide the committee in developing recommendations to improve the NDIS for people with disability in rural, regional and remote Australia.

The committee started its hearings for this inquiry by travelling to Darwin and Broome in April 2024.

Further information about the inquiry and the committee's work can be found on its website: NDIS participant experience in rural, regional and remote Australia – Parliament of Australia (