13 February 2024

Today, we witnessed the absurdity of an opposition leader who vocally opposes Labor's tax cuts but plans to vote for them. What a cruel joke! On 1 July this year, every Australian taxpayer will get a tax cut, and for the average Australian worker this will mean $1,500 more in their pocket. It's $1,500 dollars they would not have received under the former coalition government's plan. These tax cuts are aimed squarely at people who work hard to make a difference for themselves and their families. Our Labor government wants Australians to earn more and to keep more of what they earn.

The opposition leader wants something different. He wants people to work longer for less. He wants hardworking Australians on call, 24 hours a day. He opposes higher wages. He votes against help with your power bill. He votes against cheaper medicines. He votes against affordable housing and penalty rates. His stance wavers like a reed in the wind. While he reluctantly says he is supporting Labor's tax cuts, he argues against them endlessly.

Australia's deserve better. They deserve a leader who gets the job done in the best interests of all Australians. These tax cuts are the right decision at the right time. They put more money in the pockets of hardworking Australians without impacting inflation. In closing, Labor is making the right decisions for the right reasons, and that's why the opposition leader is voting for them.