Ashbury Estate Needs Infrastructure

The residents of Ashbury Estate, and other concerned people, call upon the City of Greater Geelong to deliver the community infrastructure promised as part of the legislated Development Contributions Plan.
Ashbury Estate residents shouldn’t have to fight for basic services and facilities like walking and bike paths, playgrounds, sporting and community facilities and road safety traffic controls.
The residents of Ashbury Estate have been patient, but feel let down and neglected by their Council.
We therefore call upon the City of Greater Geelong to:
- Prioritise work on a comprehensive implementation master plan (not just a colourful map) with clear timelines for the sporting and civic precincts within the Ashbury Estate, working in close consultation with the residents of the estate
- Commence and complete, as a priority, construction of the promised community pavilion / multi-purpose centre / sporting facilities and shared trails / pathways identified and agreed to in the Developer Contributions Plan
- Implement traffic safety treatments within the estate, including along Ashbury Boulevard and Boundary Road, and rectify poor and unsafe pedestrian access to essential services such as schools, bus stops and shopping facilities, and
- Provide a public explanation to estate residents as to why facilities promised to have been completed years ago have not yet been started.